Saturday, December 4, 2010

Blog #6

This post must include, at a minimum:
  1. Description of how you used Audacity or another audio recording/editing application I used Audacity to create a podcast about the difference between a podcast and an audio file. The first thing I did was to create a podcast using a microphone and speaker attached to my computer. I created an outline and a script before I began my podcast to eliminate any potential excessive pauses and excessive noises. After I complete the podcast file on Audacity, I then when to effects and I used the normalize button to normalize each section of the file. I then used the effects to remove the pops and clicks within the sound recording and I used the effects to eliminate all excessive noises within each section. I cut out all of the excessive pauses I found within each section of the podcast. For example, any um,well,okay,like,uh, oh words that would create a pause or allow me to not sound professional. There was a lot of noise but I do realize that some of it was the microphone I was using and I learned how to control the sound of the speakers and the microphone in Windows Vista. I had to remove a lot of the excessive noise patterns through the timed increments within Audacity. To do this, I had to use the effects button and then proceed to using the noise reduction key. I kept an appropriate volume level consistent throughout the entire project except the problems I had toward the end. I will discuss those in number  I included an accurate description of the difference between a podcast and a audio file. I identified my resources as ipodder, Wikipedia,, and the Harvard Law School Information Technology department. I introduced myself and the podcast show's name, and the topic were were discussing. 
  2. What obstacles you encountered: The obstacles I encountered were the sound of the microphone...once I completed the recording I learned  the volume or the quality had changed so I looked at the microphone volume and it was set to balance each speaker, it was balanced on the right and the left sides. Another obstacle was uploading the completed 3 files to my blog post. 
  3. How you resolved these obstacles: I resolved this obstacles mostly by asking for help and guidance because I truly could not understand what happened. I resolved any microphone and excessive noises by eliminating all excessive noise, amplifying the sound throughout the entire podcast and balancing the microphone sound.
  4. What successes you experienced (what you learned): I learned how to create a  podcast and I learned that it is very fun and that I can create a podcast for any topic! :-) My pastor wants to create podcasts for his sermons to place on a future website for our church. I think I am prepared to show him how to create a podcast or record the podcast for him and edit and upload it! :-) 
  5. Ideas about how you can use an audio recorder/editor for future projects: The ideas about how I can use an audio recorder/ editor for future projects are: 
  • Education- Using it in a class room to record a Science, Math, History/ Social Study Skills, or Reading lecture or read a story to elementary children. 
  • Business- To create a podcast for a broadcasting company, for example, a radio show that showcases musical genres, a talk show, a sports talk show, or to discuss business/ financial issues or concerns.
  • Personal- To create a podcast to share with friends and family, to create a podcast to read to books to my future children, etc. 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Blog #5

I created a beginning Spanish II travel vocabulary website to use as a supplement for an online course, an on-campus, class, or as a business course. This website was designed for high school, college, business, and adult learner students who have previously completed beginning Spanish I. I used Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 to design, create, and implement this website. I am not confident in using frames at this time, but I did create tables to balance and separate the website title, webpage title, images, and content. I used tables to create a navigation bar, and I included individual navigation links to use to guide the viewer back to the top or to the next page.
I have included the following information and materials within the website:
·         A description of the topic,
·         An overview of the website contents, objectives, last updated, copyright, step by step instructions that are in depth, logical, and clear.  
·         I used illustrations and images such as Microsoft clip art and graphics I found via online Google image search. These graphics and illustrations allowed me to use them as an appropriate instruction method to clarify the lesson for the learner.
·         I have included a reference page which listed web resources, print, and image sources used in the website as well as a separate author page which included a copyright throughout each webpage. Each website had 2 or less external links to provide additional instruction and practice. The index and set up (1) images contained an external hyperlink to provide additional instruction. I included an email link on each page to allow the viewer to contact me.
·         I used a table to create an ease of instruction to separate the English and Spanish translation, I included page citations to give each resource credit and acknowledge their hard work and as my cited sources.  
·         I included a U of A disclaimer which is required of the U of A.

        I chose the colors of light purple an aqua blue because these colors are festive and reminds me of a vacation and the ocean water. I included tables using the insert tab, then table; I decided how many tows and columns I need, changed the color of the table from light purple to aqua blue and then proceeded to completing my table. I included the tables to create an ease in learning and studying the material on the web. In step 6, I created a quiz using the insert tab, then form, click form again, and click radio button to create a multiple choice form which allows the learner to select one answer. I included the U of A log which is found in the University’s free images for students to use and the U of A website.


 The first obstacle I had encountered was trying to get the photographs to show once I uploaded the photos. I am not sure why the images did not show once they were uploaded but I did select document instead of site root but I think I am very confused about how those work and I forgot to ask about those. I was confused because on the 1st Dreamweaver topic assignment, I used the site root and the images did not appear so I thought using the document would actually show. I have the Teach Visually Books and it did not include this step. : (
The second obstacle I encountered was trying to upload the website because the FTP that U of A allows us to use did not comply and stated I had an invalid password. I am not sure why it did not work but I had to download File zilla and once I understood what I was supposed to do…it worked beautifully!!!

        The successes I experienced was learning how to create a website, how to create an instructional supplement or main tool, and finally, web design is not the devil and it can be very fun, creative, and rewarding.
        The Dreamweaver features I would like to use that I have not used yet are the following tabs: modify, commands, and the window tabs. I would like to know how these may change my website or make it much better.
The future uses of Dreamweaver CS3 are using it to create instructional websites for K-12 and higher education, an on-line training tool for a corporation or a non-profit organization, an informational site for a non-profit, educational, military, and corporate entity.

Blog #5

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Blog #4

This post must include, at a minimum:
  1. Description of how you used Dreamweaver
Last we created a 2 page website using Adobe Dreamweaver, it is unlike basic HTML & CSS coding, and it is truly amazing and very powerful software! I used Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 to create the 2 page website as an instructional website to teach a beginning Spanish II lesson titled Geography and Geographical features. I inserted 1 image per page, and it included external websites, each page was linked to each other, it included unordered lists as a navigation menu, I included my email account link in case a viewer needed to contact me regarding the material in the website. I used styles such as bold to distinguish the titles, the headings, and the necessary materials the viewer needed to know. I included paragraph that explained the significance of the images and the subject matter. I saved the documents as index.html and DWTopic2.html and I created a zip folder with all of the website files in one folder which was placed into my desktop for easier access and emailed to my professor.
  1. What obstacles you encountered
The obstacles I encountered were learning how to allow the images to show, I did not realize most of my images and links were under the site root and this cause them not to show. I also forgot to link one of my pages to external website and finally, another problem I had was I forgot to include my email link on the next page; I included it on 1 page. :(
  1. How you resolved these obstacles
To be honest, I did not realize that my files and links were saved as a Site Root instead of relative to the document. Err…I did not realize that it would not show because I could see it on my test page. I did resolve these obstacles by re-reading the Teach Yourself Visually Dreamweaver CS# book and it showed me that I was not achieving the results I wanted do to this fact. I now know how to cease this problem and prevent it from happening again on my 100 point assignment! ;-)
  1. What successes you experienced (what you learned) Ideas about how you can use Dreamweaver for future projects
The successes I experience are how to create a wonderful website on my own and how to test it before I upload it! The ideas that spring forward from my mind using it as an instructional manner to create a lesson create a website for a non-profit organization or a business. I would love to use a Spanish lesson in a corporate setting to teach business professional how to communicate effectively in a Spanish speaking country while on business. :-)
As always, be sure to submit the link to your blog in this assignment.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Blog #3

Blog #3

This post must include, at a minimum:

1. Before and After images of a photo of yourself that you have retouched or otherwise altered in Photoshop. 
Before Adobe Photoshop CS3

After Adobe Photoshop CS3

2. Description of how you made the changes.
       The changes I created in Adobe Photoshop CS3 were changing the image within rotating the canvas vertical, and then shifting it to 180 degrees. This allowed me to flip the before photo which I was facing the right and the after photo is facing to the left.  I created adjustments to the hue of the photo by changing the before photo from color to the after photo which is black and white. I also used the image tab and the adjustment to create a shadow/highlight. The next step I created was adding text to the photo. I used the text tool to create text writing my name within the font script MT bold regular, the font size was 14 points, and the font color was fuchsia, the text was located on the side of the brick wall. I created this look to allow it to look as though there was “writing on the wall.” The final change I made to the photo is saving the new image for web and devices within Adobe PhotoshopCS3. I saved it as a Jpeg high at 60.04k at 22 seconds; the quality was 60 at 28.8 Kpbs.

3. Identify any obstacles you encountered.
       The obstacles I ran into while creating an altered photo image in Adobe Photoshop CS3 was trying to set the image as a black and white with small color swatches inside. I like the black and white images that have a certain detail that is placed in color to allow it to stand out. I wanted that look but I am not sure where I went wrong with it, but I decided to change and allow it to have a shadow and highlight with color text instead. I plan to continue working on this until I have it perfected and I hope I will have the videos by next month when I start my new job, which will help me a lot!

4. What successes you experienced (what you learned).
        The successes I have experienced are that Adobe Photoshop CS3 is a unique and powerful photo/ image editing software. This software program allows me to successfully learn how to manipulate a photo or an image, how to change the saturation or hue, rotate it, and add text. I successfully experienced how to alter an image or photo and I thought I was not technically savvy to do this but I have learned that I can do this and it is so much fun! It is more fun than the Picnik editing software!

5. Ideas about how you can use Photoshop for future projects.
       The ideas for the future projects I may create in Adobe Photoshop CS3 is creating vibrant photos in different colors, changing or creating frames for the images, creating images for flyers,creating professional flyers, altering blemishes and skin imperfections from photos, using Adobe Photoshop CS3 in digital photography, basic graphic design, using it for the visual literacy course here at the U of A, photo image editing for scrapbooking, creating a scrapbook for a classroom, or a non-profit organization. It could be used to highlight the projects of a non-profit organization’s year or programs throughout the organization’s existence. The ideas are limitless and it holds endless creative ideas for the Adobe Photoshop CS3 user! I love this software!!!!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Blog #2

Blog #2
This post must include, at a minimum:

  1. Description of how you used HTML and CSS
    I used HTML to create a basic web page for my HTML assignment during week 5.
    1. I used basic tags such as: HTML, head, body, paragraph, title, header 1, 2, 3, and 4. I included an external link, an unordered list, and an image tag. The title of my web page was "My First Web page for ETEC 5213." I titled the header 1 tag "My Favorite Photo" to indicate the purpose of the image that I had included which was a recent and favorite photo of my husband and myself. I added a photo tag for my favorite photo and I enclosed a paragraph to explain the photo. I used the h2 tag to indicate the purpose of the external link which was titled my favorite song. I included a working external You Tube link of my favorite song and I used the header 3 tag to indicate another change in the web page. I titled it Contact (my first name) to indicate a link to my email address which soon followed. I included my personal school email address that worked promptly. The final tags I included was the h4 tag and the unordered list, the h4 tag indicated and titled my last entry of my website which was the unordered list. The h4 tag was titled my favorite movies and it listed three of my favorite movies

I completed over 10 edits to a CSS style sheet that was assigned to us in class. The style sheets were assigned to each student and each student was required to create 10 edits such as: 


Make 10 edits to your assigned CSS file (using something like Notepad, Wordpad or TextEditor for MAC) :

  • At least one edit must be for a font color.
  • At least one edit must be for a font size.
  • At least one edit must be to a heading tag.
  • Use CSS to change the placement of one image.
  • Change the background color for one div or .
  • Change the padding or margin for at least one element. 
       I used Microsoft Windows Notepad to create the necessary edits in the CSS style sheet I was assigned. The first change I began with was editing the background color in the body. I changed the body background color from #F3EBE to #C0C0C0, the font family was changed from Geneva to Verdana, the font size within the body was changed from .9em to .8em. I edited the background position within the header from the left top to the right top.  I included a background color change within the header from #B1C6F5 to #F0888A.  I also included edits of the header 1 and header 2 font size from (header 1--> .6 em to 24px and header 2-->1.4em font size to 20px. The font color within the H2 tag was changed from #000066 to #800000. Within the body, I edited the image placement from the left top to the right top, and I included a bottom and left margin change within the paragraph.The margin change was originally a 25px margin-bottom to a 50px and the margin left was 100px and I changed it to a 125px. I edited the following link colors: the first link was #0000CC and I edited it to #000080. The visited link was the color#660066 and it was edited to the color #008000. The h1 also received a color change from #990000 to #000000. The unordered list was set to the right and I moved them to the left. The #container background color was #F9F2DB and it was edited to #EAE4EF, and the final edit was the background color of the footer which was #6FB8EE to #EAF3DA.

2. What obstacles you encountered 
 The obstacles I encountered was my image was too large and I had to create a smaller file.The main obstacle I had was my image would not link to my web page and I did not understand why.
 The obstacles I encountered during the edit of the CSS file was the font-size was too large and it made the size of my fonts too small to read. It was not visible and of course I panicked.
3. How you resolved these obstacles
I used Adobe Photoshop CS3 to optimize the photo for the web and it uploaded but, after several attempts I finally looked at the HTML tag and noticed I had JPEG and not JPG, that makes a large difference! After I changed the wrong format from JPEG to JPG it worked perfectly! :-)
After I reviewed the CSS changes I made, I had noticed that I made the font size too large and it could not be contained on the CSS page so it automatically made the font smaller to fit the page. I immediately made the necessary changes to the font size and increased the size and when I reviewed it in the switch.html file, it was normal and excellent!!!

3. What successes you experienced (what you learned) 

 The successes I experienced was learning to gain confidence in myself more within this course. This course is pushing me gradually out of my comfort zone and I am learning to achieve things I never thought I could do. I am so humbled to learn that I need to have more confidence in myself and allow myself to grow in this course. By allowing myself to grow in this course, I am gaining more knowledge and experience and preparing myself to excel in the web design course next semester! :-) The successes I have gained the past 2 weeks are the knowledge of learning how to create a basic HTML web page and how to use CSS to change a web page. CSS style sheets really make a large difference in how the web page is presented! :-)

5. Ideas about how you can use HTML and CSS for future projects

The ideas I have about using HTML and CSS for future projects is creating a class website for students to gain access to course assignments, lectures, and other class-related items for a high school. It could be used to teach high school students and undergraduate students how to build a basic website. It may be used in a business setting as a basic web page  or website for a business that wants to promote their basic business strategic plans. It may be used for non-profits to include basic knowledge of what the non-profit is and what their purpose and goal is in their local community.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Blog #1

Blog #1 Assignment:
Please put the link to your blog in this assignment and submit it. 
Your blog posting must include, at a minimum:

The front page of the Manual.

  •  Description of how you used Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. 

     1. Microsoft Word
The first two projects we created in Introduction to Educational technology were a Microsoft Word instructional manual and a Microsoft instructional PowerPoint. The first project we created was the Microsoft Word instructional manual. For this project we were instructed to create an instructional manual based upon downloading software. We were instructed to choose software we currently own or free software, for example, Adobe Reader. I chose iTunes 10 because it is very popular with children, teens, and adults and the software iTunes could be used on devices such as the iPod, iPad, iPhone, and iTouch.
        I created this project using Microsoft Word 2007...
I began this project using the plaque shape for the heading's background. I filled the heading with a different color to indicate each step is different.
To begin, I shall describe the first task I completed which was the first header: I used a Sans Serif typeface titled Verdana, in a black color, and the header title. 
The second task that I completed was the inclusion of two tables using the insert table command under insert. The first table specified the hardware specifics for Windows and for the Macintosh computer, and the second table included information pertaining to the software specifics of Windows and for the Macintosh computer. I used a 12 point black Basic Sans Light SF font inside the table and I separated the tables with a rectangle shaped into a long divider with a black outline inserted with a light blue fill.

        The third task I completed were the steps...there were five total steps and each step had a shape background filled with a different color, a different heading with a different color and font. Step one had a plaque shape, heading 1 font with a white color. It enclosed the main screen of the iTunes webpage. This image was created using Snagit software. Snagit software helps an educational technologist create a screen capture without any hassle. For the body, I used bullets to indicate the order of operation, and each step used a 12pt black Georgia font. I included a hyper link which was the iTunes' website. I used arrows on some of the screen captures to indicate each important function, and the bold words indicated an important step pr keyword. The second step was different from the previous step, the font I chose for this step was creating a similar heading as the title and step one, choosing heading 2, repeating the shape with a different color, and using an 12pt black Arial font to indicate there is a change in the manual and the second step is different from the previous step. Once again, I sued shapes, which were arrows outlined in red to indicate an important factor in the step and a screen capture of the actual iTunes process. Step three was much different as I changed the heading to heading 3, kept the shape and changed the fill inside the shape, and I chose a black Elementary SF typeface in a 12.5pt black font to indicate a change in the third step, the fourth step used was a heading 1 with a similar background shape as the previous steps except I changed the color and the color of the font to notate a change in the steps. In the body, I used a 12.5pt black font titled Franklin Gothic Book with bulletins and bold words to identify which keywords were of importance. I included a screen capture form the iTunes download process. The final step, step five had a similar heading background which was plaque in a purple gradient with heading three in a deep purple-blue. The body included the 12pt black Verdana font with bulletins and bold words to identify which keywords were of importance. I included page numbers to allow the reader easy access and order of each page.   

Microsoft PowerPoint    

Slide 4 of my MS PowerPoint Presentation

        I created this project using Microsoft PowerPoint 2007...
I began this project using the rounded rectangle shape for the heading's background. I filled the heading with a white color and black outline to allow the heading to “stand out” from the slide. I used the Text shadow to allow the title to show and stand out on the slides. I used a 44pt black Veranda font on each title and a 32pt black Veranda font on each subtitle. The slide background is a light gray to allow a high contrast of color for the slide show to remain visually pleasing and easy for the reader’s eyes since it most likely viewed via the internet.
        Each slide has three bullets which a Spanish keyword and the English translation. I thought I had followed the 6X6 rule but I need more practice on this area. I enclosed a photo of the keyword so the reader may identify with the photo and it may help them memorize the Spanish word better. I used a thin black frame to allow the photo to stand out better and I used Microsoft Clip Arts online to download the images that I needed for the slideshow. Slides 6-7 were digital photographs which I took at the La Fiesta Restaurant; I used a drop shadow rectangle to emphasis the beverage’s name in Spanish. Slide 8 is the scanned image from my Spanish textbook. I emphasized the bold images with red outlined arrows from the shape tab in order to allow students to memorize all bold words in the left column of each table. This will help them to know which words to memorize instead of placing the scanned image on the slide with no directions. Everything is listed for a student to learn how to speak Spanish in a Spanish speaking restaurant. This project may be used in a classroom or as a study aid to help students prepare for a test or a quiz.

        I included hyperlinks of more detailed lessons and practice because when a student is learning a foreign language, he or she must practice and memorize the language in order to become fluent in it. Technology becomes a great asset in this direction and allows the classroom to be wherever the student is.
I included three pages of hyperlinks because I could not place all of the references together without creating a smaller font that is more difficult for the reader.  I chose to create 2 additional slides to allow the reader a more relaxed view while reading the references.

Slide 7 of my MS PowerPoint. 

  •  What obstacles you encountered:
The obstacles I encountered during the creation of the Microsoft Word instructional, was trying to keep the tables from moving in Word, keeping the spacing correct, and forgetting to create an order number of steps for the manual. 
The obstacles I encountered during the creation of the Microsoft PowerPoint was the size of my scanned image which was too large and made my PowerPoint hard to upload and submit in the blackboard submit link. I also had a problem with the 6x6 rule I am not sure how to apply it correctly and what exactly is the 6x6 rule? Spanish has longer phrases than English and it is sometimes hard to get the 6x6 point across in a Spanish lesson because Spanish is auditory and visual, the Spelling of the words must be seen and the pronunciation may be heard. May for the longer Spanish phrases I could create a worksheet or a lecture sheet in Word. If a teacher/ professor is introducing new material such as this, it will be difficult to break a sentence in Spanish that is longer. I am not sure but I will definitely learn how to achieve it! 
  •  How you resolved these obstacles 
Microsoft Word
I am meeting with Dr. Beck my professor to learn how to create tables in MS Word without changing the format of the document. 

Microsoft Power Point
I contacted my sister who suggested that I Google Image optimization in Adobe Photoshop. I found a tutorial at Tools to Inspire Imagination 
which teaches a person who to optimize a large image for a webpage in Adobe Photoshop? The version of Photoshop I used was CS3 and the scanned image in my Power Point decreased greatly after I completed the optimization step and within a matter of less than 1 minute, my file uploaded successfully. 
  • What successes you experienced (what you learned) 
I have learned that creating an instructional manual in Microsoft Word is not as bad as I thought it would be and that I know more than I thought I did. I am proud of myself and although, my formatting and I forgot to include steps, I now know how important it is to include step and how important the formatting of a document is in a project.
The Microsoft Power Point project was educational to me because I self-taught myself Power Point but was unsure of the rules when using it as a visual aide or an instructional aide.  I fell that I have more knowledge of using MS PowerPoint and now I can successfully create and execute a MS Word and PowerPoint project!!! :-) 
  • Ideas about how you can use this application in the future 
My ideas of how I can use these applications in the future are creating an instructional of how to create a lesson plan, how to create a manual for a smart phone application to use in a K-12 or undergraduate course. I have ideas for integrating MS Power Point as a study guide for a test for a K-12 and higher education subjects such as history, mathematics, and science.

  • The ideas I have of how I can use this application in the future...
I plan to use MS Word in my future projects for reports on my job, to create fliers and documents, I would like to also use MS PowerPoint in my line of work to help the students I part-time tutor in Fort Smith to help them develop the cause and effect, main idea, and other important reading skills.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Welcome to the blog of B. Spearman, graduate student at the University of Arkansas main campus located in Fayetteville, Arkansas.